Monday, October 5, 2009

What this blog is all about...

What’s the point of this blog? My main points are:

If you’re a twentysomething (or thirtysomething or more) and you’ve been praying, hoping and wishing for a mate for a while now, it’s time to try something new.

People, such as parents and pastors, may mean well when they give you advice about dating, but their view might be somewhat limited.

A lot of the advice and reasons that people give on how to find a mate and testify about how they found a mate is either: short-sighted, nonsensical, non-applicable, illogical, or unbiblical.

If you want to get in a relationship, it’s going to take the proper mix of spiritual activity (prayer, fasting, seeking, serving etc.) and intentional action (going places, meeting people, and joining a dating site etc.)

This blog will explain why:
Traditional advice can be short-sighted, nonsensical, non-applicable, illogical, or unbiblical.

This blog will describe:
A new prayer strategy, how and what to pray in a direction you’ve never prayed before
Intentional actions that you can take so you can meet and date good potential mates.

I will take questions and respond to criticism, offer advice, and encourage people to trust God and move forward in their dating lives.

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